New changes to your trash pickup!
The City of Chaffee in conjunction with Pete Tanners Solid Waste is excited to introduce a new, more convenient way to dispose of trash. Pete Tanners Solid Waste has agreed to provide 96 Gallon wheeled containers to each resident.
The monthly cost of garbage service will be increased $1.50 to cover additional maintenance and administrative costs.
Pete Tanners Solid Waste will soon be delivering the new containers to each resident. You may start using them immediately. Simply wheel the containers to the edge of your driveway and Pete Tanners Solid Waste take care of the rest!
Trash cans, loose refuse and large items will no longer be accepted with normal pick up — please call city hall to arrange for bulk pick up
Containers are owned by Pete Tanners Solid Waste.
Each container provided will be stamped with a serial number specific to your location.
Do not permanently mark containers.
Do not take containers when you move.
Big benefits to these changes!
- No chasing wind-blown cans, bins or lids
- Greater privacy
- Cleaner service
- Normal wear and tear on cans will be maintained by Pete Tanners Solid Waste.
- No rodents or pests getting into the trash
- No blowing trash